
History of our origins

In January 2004, having established the lack of resources in the territory to deal with food assistance, citizens and organizations in the community decided to come together to address this problem. This action led to the creation of the Collectif Aliment-Terre on June 9, 2004 at a general(founding) meeting..


Le Collectif Aliment-Terre’s mission is food security in the St-Simeon to Port Daniel area, and raising public awareness regarding poverty and social exclusion.


We serve ten (10) municipalities, an area about 60km from East to West, 25km from South to North, for a population of approximately 11,560 recorded in 2020. All our services are available in French and English.


  • Manage access to food distribution and ensure a fair and equitable distribution for those living in the designated area.
  • Ensuring the food self-sufficiency of those living  within the territory served;
  • Promote the fight against poverty and impoverishment by advocating against food, emotional, economic, political and social insecurities,
  • Promote the responsibility and exchange of knowledge through mutual aid,
  • Introduce people to a better understanding of citizen action and community engagement through participation.

Services and activities offered

  • Collective kitchens
  • Cuisine solidaires

(Les Cuisines Solidaires is a project made up by the Collectif Aliment-Terre for a kitchen for one or two persons, an alternative for the emergency food services.)

  • Culinary and horticultural workshops
  • Collective and community gardens
  • Emergency food services
  • Food recovery
  • Mobilization for certain citizen actions
  • Popular Education Workshops


For more information or to book an appointment, call 418 752-5010.